- @react-native-community/cli: Command line tools that ship with react-native
- React Native upgrade helper
- React Navigation FeedBack
- metro: 🚇 The JavaScript bundler for React Native
- Flipper: Extensible mobile app debugger
- ant-design/ant-design-mobile-rn: Ant Design for React Native
- react-navigation: React Native 应用程序的路由和导航
- react-native-code-push React Native module for CodePush
- react-native-splash-screen): React Native 启动屏,解决 iOS,Android 启动白屏问题,支持 Android 和 iOS
- react-native-simple-store: https://github.com/jasonmerino/react-native-simple-store
- react-native-device-info: Device Information for React Native iOS and Android
- rc-form
- react-native-validator
- react-native-confirmation-code-field: A react-native confirmation code field compatible with iOS, Android
- react-native-textinput-effects: Text inputs with custom label and icon animations for iOS and android. Built with react native and inspired by Codrops.
- react-native-hide-show-password-input: React Native Hide Show Password InputText Component
- react-native-community/react-native-datetimepicker: React Native date & time picker component for iOS and Android
- react-native-search-bar: The high-quality iOS native search bar for react native.
- react-native-animatable: React Native 标准易用的动画集和声明性过渡
- lottie-react-native: Lottie wrapper for React Native
- react-native-linear-gradient: A
component for react-native - react-native-gesture-handler: 声明性 API 将平台原生触摸和手势系统暴露给 React Native
- react-native-spinkit: React Native 的动画加载指示符集合
- react-native-progress: Progress indicators and spinners for React Native using ReactART
- react-native-image-progress: Progress indicator for networked images in React Native
- react-native-echarts-wrapper: ECharts Wrapper for React Native
- react-native-user-avatar: React Native 的头像组件
- react-native-icon-badge: Icon badge is used to create icon badge on some element, such as avatar, icon, image…
- react-native-signature-capture: React Native library for capturing signature
- @react-native-community/blur: React Native Blur component
- react-native-viewpager: This component allows the user to swipe left and right through pages of data
- react-native-looped-carousel: 🎠ReactNative 的循环旋转木马
- react-native-snap-carousel: deck、layout、parallax images
- react-native-app-intro-slider: Easy-to-use yet very configurable app introduction slider/swiper based on FlatList
- react-native-largelist : The best large list component for React Native.
- react-native-gesture-password: 一个React Native的手势密码组件,纯JavaScript实现,因此同时支持iOS、安卓和Web平台。
- react-native-parallax-scroll-view: A ScrollView-like component with parallax and sticky header support.
- react-native-loading-spinner-overlay: React Native Loading Spinner Overlay
- react-native-easy-toast: A react native module to show toast like android, it works on iOS and Android.
- react-native-popover: A
<Popover />
component for react-native - react-native-contacts: 通讯录
- react-native-slider: React Native 的纯 JavaScript Slider 组件
- react-native-sortable-listview: Drag drop capable wrapper of ListView for React Native
- react-native-deck-swiper: react-native deck swiper
- react-native-dropdown-menu: 易于使用的 React Native 下拉菜单组件
- react-native-sortable-list: React Native Sortable List component
- react-native-app-shortcuts: 用于在 React Native 中创建 Android App 快捷方式的库
- react-native-push-notification: React Native Local and Remote Notifications
- react-native-quick-actions: A react-native interface for Touch 3D home screen quick actions
- react-native-orientation: 在 react-native 中监听设备方向更改
- react-native-permissions: An unified permissions API for React Native on iOS and Android
- react-native-keyboard-manager: ⚛ Library to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover inputs on React-Native iOS projects.
- react-native-image-crop-picker: iOS/Android image picker with support for camera, video, configurable compression, multiple images and cropping
- react-native-file-opener: A React Native module that allows you to open a file (mp3, mp4, pdf, word, excel, dwg etc.) on your device with its default application
- react-native-audio-toolkit: Cross-platform audio library for React Native
- react-native-video: A Video component for react-native
- react-native-camera: A Camera component for React Native. Also supports barcode scanning!
- react-native-fast-image: 🚩 FastImage, performant React Native image component.
- react-native-video-processing: React Native 的原生视频编辑/修剪/压缩 🎥 库
- react-native-iphone-x-helper: A library to help you design your react-native app for the iPhone X, XS, XS Max & XR
- react-native-keychain: 🔑 Keychain Access for React Native
- react-native-globalize: 国际化
- visualize-bundle:
npx visualize-bundle
allows you to inspect your React Native bundle in just one command and to diagnose big modules. - react-native-multibundler: react native 可视化 bundle 拆包,支持官方的 0.57~0.59 版本,使用官方的 metro 拆包,适用于 Android、iOS
- AndResGuard: Android 资源混淆工具
- jadx: 反编译工具
- react-native-create-library: 📓 Command line tool to create a React Native library with a single command
- lisong/code-push-server: 自建 code-push 服务器
- wml: 符号链接的替代方法,它实际上将已更改的文件从源文件夹复制到目标文件夹
- react-native-shadow-generator
- jpush-react-native: 极光推送官方支持的 React Native 插件
- react-native-qiniu: react-native-qiniu
- react-native-amap3d: react-native 高德地图组件,使用最新 3D SDK,支持 Android + iOS
- react-native-amap-geolocation: React Native geolocation module for Android + iOS
- sentry-react-native: Official Sentry SDK for react-native
- elm-react-native: A react native app simulating eleme app,run ios and android.
- React Native 工程实践
- LeancloudPushDemo: React native + leancloud push notification demo
- react-native-code-push-dialog: CodePush Custom Dialog,注意:苹果 App、中国的 android 市场必须采用静默更新
- react-native-dropdown 这是下拉菜单的简单实现
- react-native-baidu-map 百度地图 React Native 模块,支持 react native 0.57+,已更新到最新的百度地图 SDK 版本。
- react-native-search-box A simple search box with animation, inspired from ios search bar. Lightweight, fast, flexible.
本博客所有文章除特别声明外,均采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来自 紫升的博客!