1. React Router 是什么?
React Router 是一个建立在 React 之上的强大的路由库,它可以帮助你快速添加新的屏幕和流程到你的应用程序,同时保持 URL 与页面上显示的内容同步。
2. React Router 与 history 库有什么不同?
React Router 是一个围绕 history
库的包装器,它处理与浏览器的 window.history
和哈希历史记录的交互。 它还提供了内存历史,这对没有全局历史的环境很有用,如移动应用开发(React Native)和 Node 的单元测试。
3. React Router v4 的 <Router>
React Router v4 提供以下 3 个 <Router>
上述组件将创建browser、hash和memory历史实例。React Router v4 使与你的路由相关的 history
实例的属性和方法通过 router
4. history
的 push()
和 replace()
一个 history 实例有两个方法用于导航。
如果你把 history 看作是一个访问过的位置的数组, push()
5. 如何用 React Router v4 进行程序化导航?
There are three different ways to achieve programmatic routing/navigation within components.
- Using the
higher-order function:
The withRouter()
higher-order function will inject the history object as a prop of the component. This object provides push()
and replace()
methods to avoid the usage of context.
1 | import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; // this also works with 'react-router-native' |
- Using
component and render props pattern:
The <Route>
component passes the same props as withRouter()
, so you will be able to access the history methods through the history prop.
1 | import { Route } from 'react-router-dom'; |
- Using context:
This option is not recommended and treated as unstable API.
1 | const Button = (props, context) => ( |
6. 如何在 React Router v4 中获取查询参数?
The ability to parse query strings was taken out of React Router v4 because there have been user requests over the years to support different implementation. So the decision has been given to users to choose the implementation they like. The recommended approach is to use query strings library.
1 | const queryString = require('query-string'); |
You can also use URLSearchParams
if you want something native:
1 | const params = new URLSearchParams(props.location.search); |
You should use a polyfill for IE11.
7. 为什么你得到 Router may have only one child element
You have to wrap your Route’s in a <Switch>
block because <Switch>
is unique in that it renders a route exclusively.
At first you need to add Switch
to your imports:
1 | import { Switch, Router, Route } from 'react-router'; |
Then define the routes within <Switch>
1 | <Router> |
8. 如何在 React Router v4 中向 history.push
While navigating you can pass props to the history
1 | this.props.history.push({ |
The search
property is used to pass query params in push()
9. 如何实现 default 或 NotFound 页面?
A <Switch>
renders the first child <Route>
that matches. A <Route>
with no path always matches. So you just need to simply drop path attribute as below
1 | <Switch> |
10. 如何在 React Router v4 上获得历史记录?
Below are the list of steps to get history object on React Router v4,
- Create a module that exports a
object and import this module across the project.
For example, create history.js
1 | import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history'; |
- You should use the
component instead of built-in routers. Imported the abovehistory.js
1 | import { Router } from 'react-router-dom'; |
- You can also use push method of
object similar to built-in history object:
1 | // some-other-file.js |
11. 如何在登录后执行自动重定向?
The react-router
package provides <Redirect>
component in React Router. Rendering a <Redirect>
will navigate to a new location. Like server-side redirects, the new location will override the current location in the history stack.
1 | import React, { Component } from 'react'; |